Thursday, December 8, 2022

Green HRM positively affects Employee Engagement

Why HR is core to an environmentally sustainable business approach 

Green HRM is a concept that can be defined simply as a situation where an organization uses its Human Resource practices to use entity resources efficiently and effectively while ensuring sustainability; in other words, managing the organization’s resources in a way that will sustain the balance in the environment as well.

“Employee Engagement”. It can be simply defined as the extent to which an employee is committed to the organization and how much he /she is willing to contribute to achieving the goals of the organization and the extent to which they are ready to contribute to the continued success of the organization. Macey & Schneider (2008)

In general, this requires talent, skill, and employee motivation for sustaining the organization’s environmental performance programmes (Brammer, Millington, & Rayton, 2007). a set of indicators such as low environmental emissions, pollution prevention, waste minimization and recycling activities can be used as an environmental performance indicator (Lober, 1996). On the other hand, according to del Brío, Fernandez and Junquera (2007), environmental performance can be improved by the execution of EMS such as ISO 14001 certification, a tool that requires high interaction between HRM and environmental management.

At the early stage the concept was rapidly practices by the western world and now it has spread all over the world. One fine example is TOYOTA.  

TOYOTA  company’s mission;   

Our mission is to produce "Happiness for All" through the pursuit of "Mobility for All". We intend to achieve this by building a unique partner ecosystem for a future society in harmony with nature. 


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The company undertake various measures to ensure Green HRM practices to create a happy planet. Shatouri, Reihaneh Montazeri et al.(2012)

  • Act as a model of lean manufacturing, which Elimination of waste in all the processes 

  • Collaborate and work with “ GREEN “certified companies

  • Starts production of hybrid cars

Mascarenhas et al. (1998) in particular emphasize the importance of having technical know-how, reliable process and close external relationship (systems) to develop a firm’s core competency and its resources, which are significantly important for developing a strategy towards attaining competitive advantage. Whereas Ma (1999b) argues that to achieve and sustain competitive advantage, a firm needs to creatively and proactively exploit the three generic sources of competitive advantage (i.e. ownership-based, access-based and proficiency-based) 

Green HRM is derive a competitive advantage over the rest and increases employee engagement levels and support to achieve corporate strategies.



Aragon-Correa, J. a., Martin-Tapia. 1. & Hurtado-Torres, N. E. (2013). Proactive Environmental Strategies and Emplovee Inclusion: The Positive Effects of Information Sharing and Promoting Collaboration and the [Influence of Uncertainty. SAGE  Publications, 26(2). 139-161

Cherian, J. P.. & Jacob. J. (
2012). .4 Study of Green HR Practices and Its Effective Implementation in the Organization: A Review. International Journal of Business and Management.“(21).25-33.

Beechinor, F. (2007). How to reduce your carbon footprint. People Management,     13, 46–47. 

Ronnenberg, S. K, Graham, M E, & Mahmood. F. (2011). The important role of change management in environmental management system implementation.

Salleh, N.A., Kasolang, S.B., & Jaffar, A. (2012). Green Lean TQM Human Resource Management Practices in Malaysian Automotive Companies. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering, 6, 2065-2069.

Shatouri, R.M., Omar, R., & Igusa, K. (2012). Towards a New Era of Sustainability in the Automotive Industry: Strategic Human Resource Management and Green Technology Innovation. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering, 6, 2364-2369.




  1. Good Article,High-performance management aims, through high performance
    work systems (packages of performs
    that enhance employee performance and enable
    their engagement, motivation and skill development),
    to make an impact on the performance of the
    organization in such extents as productivity, quality,
    levels of customer service, growth and profits (Armstrong, 2014)

    1. Thank you for the proactive response Farrok.
      Amrutha, V.N.; Geetha, S.N. (2020).It is important to stress that the GHRM practices are implemented mainly as mandatory activities by the management. Therefore, the knowledge about the real efficacy of these practices by the managers can make the difference between going green or not.

      Secondly, a review of empirical, evidence-based findings is necessary to understand other, more general, desirable outcomes beyond the ecological and environmental benefits. There is a need to advance scholarship and practice, and to comprehend how GHRM practices have an impact on the environmental attitudes and behaviors of the organization’s staff. Renwick, D.W., Jabbour, C.J., Muller-Camen, M., Redman, T. and Wilkinson, A.,( 2016).

  2. A different article Dilakshi. Furthermore, involving employees in green practices is crucial for the environmental management initiatives.This would contribute to the better environmental performance and competitive advantage (Kim et al., 2019)

    1. Yes, Bit of different as well as novel to Asian Countries. But almost all western countries have happily hugged this concept and gained competitive advantages as well.
      HR managers prevent harm to EM when they integrate EP into PMS
      by setting EM objectives, monitoring EM behaviors, and evaluating
      achievement of environmental objectives by using green work rating as the
      key indicators of job performance (Sharmin, 2015; Kapil, 2015b). Without
      this practice, any organization cannot ensure the realistic EP (firm level) in
      long term basis (Arulraja et al., 2015).


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